Same GUY your whole life? Not You've been a Fuck Hole since 1999. Bet mommy and daddy are proud of their little princess supermodel sucking and fucking in porn, practically her whole adult life, since 1999 at 25 and still going strong as she approaches 41. Could have been a supermodel..oh well...I guess being a Fuck Hole/Cum Bucket is the next best thing...can't imagine meeting and dating this girl and asking about her past: What were you doing at 25..30...35..40? "Fucking on Film"
Same GUY your whole life? Not quite, lol. Bet mommy and daddy are proud of their princess, sucking and fucking in porn, practically her whole adult life, since 1999 at 25 and still going strong at 41. Could have been a supermodel..well..guess being a Fuck Hole/Cum Bucket is the next best thing...can't imagine meeting and dating this girl and asking: What were you doing at 25..30...35..40? Sucking and Fucking on Film.