Julia CD







O mně: All new content will be here as well just in case....... https://www.ashemaletube.com/profiles/1158526/ Or just search on there for Julia Kat. Hi Im Julia Kat.Im a 58 year old 5ft 4 crossdresser that loves to dress up as a female.Its something Ive done since being little. Im half Irish half welsh,and born and raised in Yorkshire. Vitals are 38" 28" 36",34D bra size,and a size 10 dress and UK size 6 shoes for those that like to know stats. I love being a cd.Im hardly ever serious as I love to make people laugh or smile,or just to lift their spirits with a little flash.Why not. To turn them on,help make them cum,to make them happy is what I feel Im here for,as I just adore to help do that for someone. I adore anal like you wouldnt believe and love anything weird or different,which isnt a good thing when coupled to a stupidly high sex drive.I love being a mindless doll or sex toy,and love to have sex with machines,bikes cars terminators,anything. I thought Id indulge this side of me before its too late,so at the moment Im just trying to get my make up a LOT better and to get my camera phone to take a good picture,or just to focus would be something. I dont have any shapewear,Im not photoshopped or faceapp'd,pumped or anything,its just me.What you see is what you would get if you met me on the street. I do hope you enjoy my content. Just hit the subscribe button to keep informed of any updates. I don't have Skype or a webcam and I don't meet strangers off the internet for obvious reasons.Im sure you understand. Take care and lots of love. Kisses! Julia Kat xxx Ps.Now go and do me a favour........go and do something just for you.Anything.As long as its for you,and makes you smile.xxxx

O mně

All new content will be here as well just in case.......
Or just search on there for Julia Kat.

Hi Im Julia Kat.Im a 58 year old 5ft 4 crossdresser that loves to dress up as a female.Its something Ive done since being little.
Im half Irish half welsh,and born and raised in Yorkshire.
Vitals are 38" 28" 36",34D bra size,and a size 10 dress and UK size 6 shoes for those that like to know stats.
I love being a cd.Im hardly ever serious as I love to make people laugh or smile,or just to lift their spirits with a little flash.Why not.
To turn them on,help make them cum,to make them happy is what I feel Im here for,as I just adore to help do that for someone.
I adore anal like you wouldnt believe and love anything weird or different,which isnt a good thing when coupled to a stupidly high sex drive.I love being a mindless doll or sex toy,and love to have sex with machines,bikes cars terminators,anything.
I thought Id indulge this side of me before its too late,so at the moment Im just trying to get my make up a LOT better and to get my camera phone to take a good picture,or just to focus would be something.
I dont have any shapewear,Im not photoshopped or faceapp'd,pumped or anything,its just me.What you see is what you would get if you met me on the street.
I do hope you enjoy my content.
Just hit the subscribe button to keep informed of any updates.

I don't have Skype or a webcam and I don't meet strangers off the internet for obvious reasons.Im sure you understand.

Take care and lots of love.
Julia Kat xxx

Ps.Now go and do me a favour........go and do something just for you.Anything.As long as its for you,and makes you smile.xxxx

Přejít do profilu

Julia CD Personal information

  • Jsem:
    59 let, muž, nejsem si jistý
  • Od:
    Velká Británie
  • Hledám:
  • Interests
    and fetishes:
  • Jazyky:
  • Vzdělání:
    Bc./BcA. (4 roky vysoké školy)
  • Povolání:
  • Příjem:
  • Vztah:
  • Děti:
    Ne, a nechci žádné
  • Kouření:
  • Pití:

Jak vypadám

  • Národnost:
  • Typ těla:
  • Délka vlasů:
  • Barva vlasů:
  • Barva očí:
  • Výška:
    5 stop 64 palců (163 cm)

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