





O mně: Our apologies, there is no professional or perfect videos here, all videos are made for our pleasure and we bring here to share and have another way for backup, if you really love real moments of real pleasure, please subscribe, if you want to hepl us to captive resources to new videos editions, become a member on our premium. Curvy wife, nymphomaniac, exhibitionist and addicted to tributes and male masturbation, loves bold and different sex, profile created to back up our videos, some videos are restricted in premium areas for privacy reasons, be our friend and always leave comments, no We don't care about contests, we don't like sending spam, we want your pleasure, be part of our group of collaborators, with your help we maintain the video editions to bring you everything, kisses with lots of love, Karina and Lucas. We are a real and exhibitionist couple, if you really like our videos and want more, we welcome suggestions and appreciate if you leave your positive feedback, we don't ask for anything else or send you spam, Everything you see here is the result of our REAL PLEASURE, we use it here and elsewhere to have a backup copy of our precious files, the premium videos have less edits and more details because it's more restricted Tudo aqui é fruto do nosso prazer ral, deixa like e se increve e postaremos mais vídeos. Casal safado e exibicionista, gostamos de verdade do que fzemos, queremos amizades com rapazes, casais e mulheres que curtam sem pressa.

O mně

Our apologies, there is no professional or perfect videos here, all videos are made for our pleasure and we bring here to share and have another way for backup, if you really love real moments of real pleasure, please subscribe, if you want to hepl us to captive resources to new videos editions, become a member on our premium.
Curvy wife, nymphomaniac, exhibitionist and addicted to tributes and male masturbation, loves bold and different sex, profile created to back up our videos, some videos are restricted in premium areas for privacy reasons, be our friend and always leave comments, no We don't care about contests, we don't like sending spam, we want your pleasure, be part of our group of collaborators, with your help we maintain the video editions to bring you everything, kisses with lots of love, Karina and Lucas.
We are a real and exhibitionist couple, if you really like our videos and want more, we welcome suggestions and appreciate if you leave your positive feedback, we don't ask for anything else or send you spam,
Everything you see here is the result of our REAL PLEASURE, we use it here and elsewhere to have a backup copy of our precious files, the premium videos have less edits and more details because it's more restricted
Tudo aqui é fruto do nosso prazer ral, deixa like e se increve e postaremos mais vídeos.
Casal safado e exibicionista, gostamos de verdade do que fzemos, queremos amizades com rapazes, casais e mulheres que curtam sem pressa.

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